1. Abstract


by Ayadipro-Marketing

 “Any form of commercial content available on the Internet, delivered by any channel, in any variety, designed to inform customers about a product or service at any degree of depth is Internet Advertising” Harker (2008). Tools like banners, pops ups, websites, blogs, and social media, deliver Internet Advertising often with the use of Digital Media.  Digital media is any video or audio content distributed by the Internet in digital formats.

There are marketers that pay search engine companies to deliver specific advertisement consequently to keyword searches. A generic keyword like “home” could lead to many ads, from real estate to construction companies.  Recently users witnessed what’s called Targeted Online Advertising. Marketing companies collect online users personal data in order to target ads. Many users think that it is a creepy and intrusive practice.

Online privacy is an argument that has been going on for decades. The Online privacy rules are perceived as too permissive, but ad industry representatives insist that users are willing to provide information for a better and personalized service.  

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